All about children's shoes — Bred tåbox

Are barefoot shoes good for hallux valgus?

En visualisering av skillnaden mellan en traditionell sko och en barfotasko.
Shoes with a wide toe box are specially designed to give the foot more space and freedom of movement, which can help alleviate the symptoms of hallux valgus.

How to walk in bare feet?

En kvinna visar hur man går i ett par barfotaskor från varumärket Be Lenka.

It is a big change for the tendons and muscles of your foot to switch from narrow shoes or heels. That's why it's good to think about these tips for walking in bare feet. Walk short distances at first and avoid putting your heel down too hard. When you walk in bare feet, it can feel strange at first.

Wide toe box on shoes is good for the feet

En kvinnas fötter på en gräsmatta. En av fötterna är barfota medan den andra foten är i en barfotasko från märket Be Lenka.

Do you need shoes for wide feet? Then barefoot shoes with a wide toe box are perfect! It can give you more comfort, better foot health and shoes that last longer.

With a wide toe box on your shoes, your feet get natural freedom of movement. Our feet feel best when they are barefoot, so shoes that mimic our feet are often designed with a wide toe box.