Are barefoot shoes good for hallux valgus?
Hallux valgus is perhaps one of the most common reasons why many people turn to barefoot shoes.
A hallux valgus is also known as a "bunion". It's like a bunion on the foot, which is a misalignment where the joint at the base of the big toe, or sometimes the little toe, is moved away from the foot. This causes the bone to stick out to the side, creating the characteristic shape of a "bunion".
Can barefoot shoes help with hallux valgus?
Barefoot shoes with a wide toe box can be good for hallux valgus. Shoes with a wide toe box are specially designed to give the foot more space and freedom of movement, which can help alleviate the symptoms of hallux valgus.
But even if we assume that barefoot shoes can help, the complete solution to hallux valgus is not always so simple. When the position of the big toe joint shifts to form a hallux valgus, the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments also undergo changes. Managing these changes by simply switching to foot-shaped shoes cannot be guaranteed as a definitive solution.
Prevent injuries and bunions with foot shaped shoes
Don't see barefoot shoes only as a solution to your foot and back problems. It is above all a preventive agent that gives strong feet and a strong body. Therefore, we strongly recommend barefoot shoes for children as soon as they learn to walk.
Since barefoot shoes often have a wider toe box than traditional shoes, the toes are not squeezed together. They also have a thin sole that allows for a flexible design. This creates good conditions for bunions to not occur, but also prevents hallux valgus from worsening.
If you have had surgery on your feet for hallux valgus, it is important that you do not go back to wearing pointed shoes or shoes with heels. It is these traditional shoes that are often at the root of what has caused the problems. But see surgery of bunions as a last resort . In the case of a not too advanced hallux valgus, there are many examples of barefoot shoe enthusiasts who have fixed their problems within a few years.
What is hallux valgus?
Hallux valgus is the name given to a foot health problem when the joint of the big toe is moved away from the foot, causing the big toe to point inwards towards the other toes. This risks resulting in severe foot discomfort and problems using regular shoes.
The causes of hallux valgus vary and may depend on heredity and anatomy. But when shoes are shaped too narrow at the front, the toes are squeezed together. This leads to the toes not being able to stretch out naturally, at the same time that the foot pad often receives more pressure as many shoes have heels. This can lead to hallux valgus. Examples of wide barefoot shoes that do not squeeze the toes can be found here.